In this case, a US-based major Ammonia manufacturing plant ( 80,000T per year output ) encountered frequent reliability issues in the turbine-driven Syngas Compressor, which impacted the plant’s methanol output.

  • Syngas Compressor experienced a notable increase in Turbine bearing temperature, rising abruptly from approximately 96°C to a sustained high temperature of 117°C.
  • The Plant Operations team observed no significant changes despite examining the lube oil parameters and setting ambient operating conditions for compressor operations.
  • Based on correlations between different operating conditions of the compressor, the bearing vibrations and temperature deviated from the expected behaviour.

Per Industry benchmarks, the average cost savings achieved was around $5.2 M for the Ammonia Manufacturing Plant by pre-emptively resolving the anomalies with AI Expert solution.

Learn how the Plant Operations team leveraged the AI Expert OEx operational excellence platform to learn from 152 tags associated with the Turbine-driven Compressor system and proactively address the underlying issues.


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