A leading power generating company with six units ran into a generator stator failure, despite using preventive maintenance, digital control systems (“DCS”) alarms, and condition monitoring for Plant Maintenance. The machine failure resulted in around 45 days of unplanned
downtime, amounting to a loss of $750,000.

The top questions that plagued the plant maintenance team were:

  • How to predict such failures in the future?
  • How did this happen without any warnings?

Learn how UptimeAI’s predictive maintenance solution could detect the issue 10 months ahead and provided the failure mode and recommendations to help engineers understand and take immediate actions to mitigate the problem, ensuring the issue would not repeat for any of their units ever.

Download the case study to know how AI in Power Generation can do wonders for your asset performance & predictive maintenance strategy.

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Companies using UptimeAI are saving millions with timely alerts & near-zero downtime

“We were monitoring limited equipment in isolation. UptimeAI’s approach enables us to look at the interrelations & scale the plant”– Oil & Gas, Executive Asia

“Building a full plant monitoring application on an IoT platform is too difficult. In contrast, ‘AI Plant Expert’ offers higher ROI & quick scale-up with an out-of-box, comprehensive solution.”– Power, CIO Asia